Portal Support Guides
Portal Support Guides for amending or updating specific information using the Payrix Integrated Platform.
The Payrix Payment Portal is your secure portal for accessing and managing your customers' payment information.
It is located at: https://portal.payrix.com.au/Login.aspx
Quick Start Guide
This is a quick guide to assist you to locate the information required to begin using your Payrix account! Once you have logged in, you will be able to find the relevant information via the below sections of your Payrix Portal.
Here you can access quick links to our User Guides, which can also be found here on our Resource Center.
Business Details
This is a snapshot of your business details, and how your account is set up in the Payrix Portal. Your Business ID is located under ‘Business Configuration’ and is unique to your Payrix account. Please quote this when seeking assistance from Payrix over the phone or by email:

Under ‘Service Options’ you can find:
Settlement Frequency – This is the frequency in which your business will receive settlements of successful payments (this is subject to the frequency of your processing). The default is Daily Monday-Friday (Business Days), however if you would like to change this to Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly please contact our Client Success team:

Transaction Limits – This is the maximum transaction value you can process for each transaction through Payrix:

Statement Descriptors – The ‘Debits’ notation is what will appear on your customers bank statements, the ‘Settlements’ notion is what will appear on your business bank statements when Payrix settle funds to you, and the ‘Fee Collection’ notion is what will appear in your business bank statements against any debits from Payrix:

If you have any questions, please contact the Payrix Client Success team on admin@payrix.com.au or 1300 592 283.
Additional Support Guides
A few frequently sourced guides below:
How to process a refund
Guidelines on how to process a refund through the Payrix Portal.
How to process a Data Extraction
Information and steps to guide you through a data export and what steps you need to take.
Increase / Decrease Transaction Limit
If you require a higher or lower transaction limit, this guide provides you with all the information you need.
How to Import data from another Payment Provider
Information on how to import your payer data from your existing payment provider.
How to Import payer data to Payrix Payment Portal
Information and multiple options offered to import payer data to the Payrix Payment Portal.
How to update Bank Account for Settlement / Billing
Need to change the nominate Bank Account for your Merchant account. This will guide you the all the steps to update the nominated Bank Account for Settlement and/or Billing.
How to update Fee Structure (Absorb or pass transaction fees)
Looking to change the fee structure to absorb or pass on some transaction fees. This will guide you through all the steps to make these changes.
Payrix + Xero Direct Integration
Information to assist you in setting up and how to use the Payrix + Xero Direct Integration.
Payment Portal User Guide
A guide on how to utilise and make your way around the Payrix Payment Portal.
Simple Invoice Payments User Guide
A guide to assist you and explain the steps to accept payments via the Simple Invoicing platform.
Understanding Fees
Information to assist you in understanding fees.