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What file import formats do we support?


File Type

Sample / Template file

Bank Account Payers ABA file
(via person reference)

This one creates a payer record for each transaction ID on the ABA file (the payer unique ref is set to the ABA transaction ID). 
The transaction ref for each payment imported is set to a random GUID.

Bank Account Payers ABA file (via person reference) - template.xlsx

Bank Account Payers ABA file (via person reference) - sample.xlsx

Bank Account Payers ABA file
(via transaction reference)

This one creates a payer record for each bank account being debited (the payer unique ref is set to BSB+AccountNumber). 
For each payment it imports the transaction ref of the payment is set to the transaction ID on the ABA file.

Bank Account Payers ABA file (via transaction reference) - template.xlsx

Bank Account Payers ABA file (via transaction reference) - sample.xlsx

Bank Account Payers
(9 column)

Bank Account Payers CSV (9 Column) - template.xlsx

Bank Account Payers CSV (9 Column) - sample.xlsx

Credit Card Payers
(9 column)

Credit Card Payer CSV (9 Column) - template.xlsx

Credit Card Payer CSV (9 Column) - sample.xlsx

Import Payer (Full Details)

Import Payer (Full Details) - template.xlsx

Import Payer (Full Details) - sample.xlsx

Import Payer (Full Details)
+ Single Transaction

Import Payer (Full Details) + Single Transaction - template.xlsx

Import Payer (Full Details) + Single Transaction - sample.xlsx

Schedule Generate

Schedule Generate CSV - template.xlsx

Schedule Generate CSV - sample.xlsx

Schedule Payments via
Display Ref (4 Column)

Schedule Payments via Display Ref CSV (4 column) - template.xlsx

Schedule Payments via Display Ref CSV (4 column) - sample.xlsx

Schedule Payments via
Unique Ref (4 Column)

Schedule Payments via Unique Ref CSV (4 column) - template.xlsx

Schedule Payments via Unique Ref CSV (4 column) - sample.xlsx

Simple Invoice Payments
(20 columns)

Simple Invoice Payments CSV (20 columns) - template.xlsx

Simple Invoice Payments CSV (20 columns) - sample.xlsx

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