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Understanding Account Contact Types

Authorised Contact

An authorised contact is a person who has authorisation to speak to Payrix on behalf of the business via phone call or email.

This person/s can request and discuss information around the transactions, payers and business details associated with the relevant Payrix account.

Typically, a contact is allocated on the Application Form upon setup of the Payrix account and the first contact listed is the person who will receive a User login to the Payrix Portal, they then have access to add other User logins as required.

If additional authorised contacts are to be added to your Payrix account, you can either:

  1. Request that the Account Controller action this change via their User Access


  1. Send an email to (email must come from either the current contact or the Director/Owner of the business) to request this change. We cannot add contacts over the phone, as the request must be in writing.

This email should include the below details for the new contact:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email address

Account Controller

An account controller is allocated on the Application Form and must be approved by the Director/Owner of the business.

An account controller has the same authority level as an authorised contact and has access to the Payrix Portal, but receives additional access/view such as:

  • View of fees associated with the Payrix account

  • Ability to add/update existing Authorised Contacts of the business

  • Access to add/update which email addresses receive business reports from Payrix


A user is someone who has access to the Payrix Portal, however is not necessarily also an authorised contact for the business.

Upon set up of your Payrix account, the first contact listed on the Application Form as well as the Account Controller (if not the same person) will be set up with a User login.

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